Anytime you want to cancel your subscription with us just do the following:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Profile at the top of the page.
  3. Click My Money then click Update beside My preapproved payments to find your payment.
  4. Select the payment, and then click Cancel

Depending upon when you subscribed with us the payment could be listed as: '' or ''

When you cancel a subscription with us a signal is sent from PayPal to our site and your access is instantly stopped. We are aware you may have some paid time left and if that is the case PLEASE put in a ticket and we WILL restore your account for the time you have paid for AND extra time as a bonus for the fact you had to go through these steps.

The system that cancels your account is automated and at the moment it is not possible to change it. However as said above if you contact us you will get everyday, and more, that you paid for.

The Zont SEO Team